I first started this blog to write my thoughts after each workout. Well as you can see that hasn't happened. I either haven't gotten in the habit of blogging or just don't have the time do update this. However, rest assured I have not stopped working out! I will be finishing the first phase this Saturday and starting the second phase this Sunday. I have decided to try to move on without have the recovery week. I have decided this for a couple reasons. 1.) I can't wait to get into the muscle building phase. I have already seen visual improvements in my muscles and can't wait to see more. 2.) I don't feel all that broken down. I think a vast majority of that is the supplements I've been taking that have help me recover quicker than when I did P90X without them. 3.) I really don't want to do yoga that many times in one week. (This is a week excuse, but I'm just being honest.)
As for the workouts and my progression, I started seeing improvements in the numbers between weeks two and three. From week one and two there wasn't that much improvement, if any. Some of this has to do with just learning all the moves in week one and concentrating more on the moves and form over the actual numbers. In week three I pushed myself much harder and in week four, even harder. And by doing that I have been able to increase all the numbers (at least all the max rep exercises) at a good clip from week three to week four. I am kinda apprehensive on how difficult the next phase will be but I'm also looking forward to it since that is what I loved about P90X, the strengthening. I'll try to include a chart on my numbers in a couple of days (I've said that before, I know) but it will help show you and myself the improvements through the four weeks of the foundational phase.
Thanks for reading, keep pushing play and doing your best!
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