We struggle against ourselves, physically and/or mentally with any exercise. This is my journey.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day #15 - Fit Test #2

I was excited to see what numerical improvement I had made through the first two weeks. I started the test and improved on the switch kicks but during the power jacks I started feeling my right knee have some pain. So I had to stop so as not to hurt myself and have to take a break from this as well as to save myself for the final Wednesday night softball game I have in a little more than an hour.

Depending on how I feel after the game I might try it then as to stay on schedule or if it still bothers me than I'll delay it until tomorrow. The last thing I want to do is to get hurt and be on the shelf for a week or so. One thing I hate is to be hurt and less than 100%. But as long as I can move I'll give everything I have.

Here's hoping for a positive update later tonight with updated fit test results.

Well the knee didn't bother me at all during the game, however I wasn't able to get the fit test in after the game like I was hoping. I got home from the game and I go to open my garage, in order to unlock it I have to turn off the car since the keys are on the same ring, I go to pull the truck into the garage and it wouldn't start. My first thought was that it was a dead battery, nut after my dad came up to help he gave me a jump but it still wouldn't start.

I did get a workout in, not including running around playing softball, because I needed to het my truck onto the other side of the alley. We pushed the truck up a slight incline and I could tell that had I not been doing Insanity to build up the legs it might not have gotten done. So that was my eventful evening. And my reason that I didn't get the fit test in.

I will try again tomorrow and hope that my knee doesn't cause any problems. I will start with a knee brace just to make sure.
So off to bed I go so I can be really tired tomorrow. Good night and I hope your day isn't nearly as eventful.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day #14 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Whew, what a great workout! It's a rough one but it keeps getting better. I'm not all the way through it yet, but getting much closer. The cardio is there and the muscles are almost there but the calves are what are holding me back right now.

Something tells me that when I'm ready to go straight through that they switch me to the Max stuff. I'm half ready for the challenge and half nervous about it. Fortunately, I don't have to think about that just yet.

Tonight was the first time I was introduced to Cardio Abs. That also is a great workout. I was expecting to get thrashed, but I was able to keep up with almost all of it except the last few exercises. My abs were burning and still are but no other way to get the washboard abs without working them hard. It didn't seem as bad as P90X Ab Ripper X, but still a very good workout.

Well, tomorrow is my second fit test and I'm excited to see how I've improved from an empirical standpoint. I've seen the results on the field and they are amazing, so regardless the numbers I know this is working.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day #13 - Off Day

It was one of my scheduled off days, which I've moved the schedule a little to work with my life schedule. I have softball games Monday nights in Cincinnati so by the time I get home I don't have the time to workout but all other nights I can fit the workouts in so it works for me to have Mondays as my off days.

Well, I was playing my usual leftcenter field and I was able to notice a drastic difference in my speed, legs and conditioning. I was able to get to balls that I'm not positive I could get to before. Also by the time the game was finished my let's didn't feel tired and neither did I. I felt like I could play a couple more games. So after the last two days and two games,the change in my conditioning I'm sold on Insanity. I'm now not expecting to gain overall size but to improve my lower body and core strength and my conditioning. So far it has done that and I'm confident that it will continue to do so.

I'm now looking forward to my next fit test (Wednesday) to see my numerical improvements. I'm also excited to see how well I improve throughout the next six weeks. If two weeks has made this much difference what will another six.weeks make?

Well, it is time for bed so I will report back tomorrow.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day #12 - Cardio Power & Resistance

This was an another rough workout. Not so much because of the workout itself, but for the fact I played a base ball game earlier today. I was in centerfield and did a lot of running. Although I did notice that I seemed to have an extra step of speed and more importantly I was in much better shape and wasn't out of breath like I usually am after some of the long runs. I also had one person tell me that my nickname should be changed to "Wheels", so I took that as a great compliment even though they haven't see me play before. I also had the leftfielder mention that he didn't think is get to one ball that I did, so this stuff is working!

As for the workout, I just didn't have the strength to get through a lot of the workout. I did my best though, and that is all I can expect. Tomorrow is my scheduled off day and I have a softball game to play. So it'll be a day I'm looking forward to. I haven't had an off day since day 2, so it'll be a great break. Until tomorrow, keep pushing yourself just a little more each time and you will eventually reach your goal.

Updated: I need to make a correction, my last off day was on day #7, it seems like it was much longer than that...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day #11 - Cardio Recovery

Shaun was killing my legs! Some of that is planned, some I think was the fact that I played a round of golf this morning. And instead of riding in a cart I decided to walk, up and down all the hills. It took a lot out of me, add on the humidity and I was one worn out puppy.

But I knew I had to keep on the schedule and not be a slacker. I also knew that it was Cardio Recovery tonight, so that was a relief since a full workout might have been too much. I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow night since I have a base ball game in the afternoon, and then Cardio Power & Resistance. It could be rough, but will be knocked out, I will do it!

So far I'm still liking the program, I still think I'm a bigger fan of P90X, but I'm trying not to let that keep me from getting all I can out of Insanity. Each program has it purpose and this is much more cardio than I originally thought it would be, but that's fine. I can always use the cardio work. Often I'm in good shape but after this I will be in great shape. Anyway, I need to get ready for bed so I can let the muscles fully recover for tomorrow.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day #10 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I started late, mainly because I didn't really want to workout, but I knew I needed to so out I went. I could have used any of the following excuses, tired, not feeling good, hungry, don't want to. But I've said before no excuses just do it. Shut off the mind and it'll be over before you know it.

I got through it better than I thought I would. I had to fight myself to get there though. My shoulders and calves are on fire. I did notice that I didn't have nearly as much energy as I usually do but I'm sure that was due to my diet not being the greatest today. It wasn't that I ate bad foods but not enough of it to provide the body with the nutrition that it was going to need tonight.

That is one thing that I have learned going through both this and P90X. Nutrition is almost more important than the workouts. If your body doesn't have the proper fuel than it won't run very smooth.

Tomorrow I'm playing golf in the morning then Cardio Recovery in the afternoon. Until then keep pressing through.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day #9 - Pure Cardio

Whew! This is such an intense workout! My improvement from last time through it was great. I was able to power through at least 2/3 of it. There were times that I wanted to stop but when I shut off my mind and work, I can get through it. There will be more times that I will need to do that, I'm sure of it.

I'm so exhausted right now I can't even think, so I'll take a break and might come back later.

Well, I'm still tired and ready for bed but feel a good type of sore. I figured is put some more thoughts on here before my day is finished. After feeling the results last night at softball, it makes the workouts a little more tolerable. Just think what kind of machine I'll be after two months. I've got a baseball game on Sunday and then a softball game on Monday. I can't wait to see how I play especially on Sunday. Anyway, I need to get some sleep to let my muscles regenerate. Goodnight all.

Day #9 - Morning After

Well I am definitely sore from Cardio Power Resistance and then a softball game after that. However, given the choice, I probably wouldn't change much since it is only one day. However, I might reconsider since tonight is Pure Cardio which is Pure Insanity! I'll post again tonight after my workout to let you know how it went.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day #8 - Softball Game

Well, I got another running workout in! I was playing left field and the were hitting my way quite a bit. Was doing well for 2/3rds of the game had 3 errors that shouldn't have happened. Legs were fine, tired right now though. Unfortunately, the wind was Wrigley Field-esque (blowing straight out and hard) so they had 5 HRs, the short fences didn't help us either, nor did our lack of hitting and fielding. The game ended 22-2 after 3 innings. Oh well, it's just fun to get with the guys and play softball.

Tomorrow will be rough with Pure Cardio, but I want to get in better shape and that will get me to my goal.

Day #8 - Cardio Power & Resistance

Today I got my workout in earlier then usual but that is because I have a softball game in a little over an hour from now. We'll see if it was a stupid move for me to workout before the game.

The workout itself wasn't nearly as bad as the first, I was able to get through it physically much better than last time. However, my problem is getting over the mental hurdle. My mind still doesn't think I have enough to do it, but I'll get through that hurdle as well. (Man am I sweating!)

As for the mental part, I can feel the muscles wanting to go on but the mind thinks that I need more air or just doesn't have the energy. But I know that the muscles can do it. I wonder if some of the problem is that I'm the type that needs to see results along the way no matter hoe small they are. The fact that I'm getting further on the workouts should be enough but it isn't always the case.  Anyway, off to get the recovery drink in then off to the softball game. Hopefully I still have enough energy to play well.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day #7 - Day Off

Tonight went as thought, but not as I was hoping. I ended up not working out since I didn't get home from the Dayton Dragons game until 10:30pm. And had I worked out I wouldn't have had enough time to cool down and unwind before I go to bed so I will pick up day #7 tomorrow.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day #6 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Usually I would take Mondays off from the Insanity workouts since I'm usually playing softball, however this week we had a bye week and I was a slacker last week and need to make up that off day.

So today was Plyo Cardio Circuit, as if you couldn't tell by the post title, and it was the second time through. It was still rough, but I was able to go a lot longer than the first time. Still a lot longer that I want to go, but if I can improve this much in a few days than I will definitely get to where I want, which is to get all the way through each workout with only the water breaks. Quite an ambitious goal since most of the people have to take breaks. We'll see how it goes.

I'm also looking forward to see how just 7 days improves my Cardio for my Wednesday night softball team. Although I have to get through tomorrow night first. Well, until then. Keep pushing play and yourself further.